Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Assignment II (MMA1123)

Against Hipokrit for Revolutionary

Assalamualaikum and hi to my fellow friends. For my second assignment I need to create one screen design based on my topic but a tribute to my own selection digital artist to represent his philosophy towards his style of work, including his digital artwork concepts, expression and emotions.
About my topic Against Hipokrit for Revolutionary is about hypocrisy is not something new to us. Hypocrisy often involves the deception of others and thus can be considered a kind of lie.We are surrounded by hypocrisy each and every day whether we realize it or not. We always see how people especially the "authorized" ones always misused the authority that they have for their own benefits.In this assignment I want to stress on the importance to fight against hypocrisy attitude because if not this world will be filled with hypocrite people and no sincerity and humanity would be left. Thus a revolution should be done in order to benefit all mankind. 

In this assignment I have chosen Zul Luey as my digital multimedia artist who really inspired me to do this assignment.

About Zul Luey

Zul Luey is one of the local digital multimedia artists in Malaysia and currently work in his own company which is lueymotionlab. Eventhough he has a stable and well known company but he always does some collaboration with newbies freelancer like ikanpaoskolektif, whiteroomkl and many more. Currently, he and his team are in the progress to produce a channel in You Tube to cover any underground/indie artist's activities in Malaysia, tapau.tv.
Based on my interview with him ,he always looks up upon international and local artist as for him everyone has a different point of view of everything in their daily life which inspired him. For his philosophy nothing much in particular, but a healthy environment affects the idea generations. Stay true to yourself and keep experimenting.

For more information about Zul Luey



Final Artwork (Screen Design)


Artist Statement

For this assignment , I have decided to choose Against Hipokrit for Revolutionary (AHFR) for my topic in this assignment.

In AHFR, I want to highlight that we need to be aware to everyone around us as anyone could be hypocrite at any time and any place because this kind of people can manipulate us in order to get what they want. Revolutionary here means that we try to prevent those people and make one revolution to produce better environment. In my screen design shows that a man who wear gas mask. This is to show how dangerous the threat to us. Besides that, it reflects to my chosen artist's concept and style in his artwork which consist of  metaphors and hidden meaning.This gas mask may be a hero, savior or failure because it depends on us which type we want to be. The "LOVE" word represent our love to our nation and ourselves and that is why we have to fight against these people. For backgroud colour which are black and white represents black as darkness side and white as the victory against hypocrite peoples. As we can see the gas mask's position at the middle of the background color which means it's a bridge to gain victory against those peoples. The red color represents stress on the importance of the message.

Artwork Treatment 

 In this artwork I used a Wacom bamboo pen to help me to draw the lines. Besides that , I‘m using Adobe Photoshop CS6 to complete this artwork. In addition, I also referred  international artist artwork as references like Shepard Fairey fro Obey and a few music video to give me an inspiration to do this artwork.



*Below is sample of Zul Luey artworks which really inspired me in this assignment


1 comment:

  1. I have seen you digital artwork...good job...I would suggest you read Gestat Laws of Perception (proximity, contrast, pragnanz etc.) This would strengthen your design and would help you to justify your work
